Your Results:

Scroll down for a breakdown of your competence scores
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Your Motivation and Perseverance Score:

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This score represents your ability to persevere, push through setbacks and adversity. A high score indicates that you diligently work towards your goals despite hardship and attractive alternatives.

Your Risk Orientation Score:

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This score represents your general tendency to take risks. A high score indicates you are more willing to take risks and therefore more likely to engage in risky entrepreneurial activities.

Your Innovativeness and Creativity Score:

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This score represents your tendency to engage in and support new ideas, experiments and creative processes that may result in new products, services or technologies. A high score indicates a preference for novel solutions to problems and an appreciation for original ideas.

Your Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Score:

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This score represents the degree to which you believe that you are capable of performing the roles and taks of an entrepreneur. A high score indicates a high level of perceived opportunity, capability and control – which means you are more likely to pursue entrepreneurial activities.

Your Proactivity Score:

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This score represents your ability to identify opportunities and act on them. A high score indicates that you show initiative and are more likely to identify and pursue opportunities to bring about meaningful change.

Your Social Skills Score:

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This score represents your ability to perceive others accurately and to adapt to a wide range of social situations. A high score indicates that you feel comfortable in a wide range of social situations and are able to perceive others’ traits, intentions and motives.

Your Leadership Score:

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This score represents your ability to influence and direct the performance of team members toward the achievement of organisational goals. A high score indicates that you are an effective leader with a high potential to drive performance excellence in an organisation.